Sky Mountain Homeowners’ Association Annual Meeting
April 25, 2017 – 7:00 PM
Cougar Ridge Elementary School – Multipurpose Room
If you are unable to attend, please give the proxy to one of your neighbors or send it to the Board Secretary.
Topics for discussion this year include:
- Review of the 2016 financial statement
- Approval of 2017 budget
- Landscaping projects and Spring clean-up
- Kiosk Replacement and Repair
- Solar Panels
- Cul-de-sac island improvements
You are invited to bring up topics for discussion.
We will soon be sending out the dues statement for the 2017 year. The dues for this year is $150, which is a decrease of $40 from the prior year.
Please plan on attending the meeting, which will give you an opportunity to find out what is happening in the community. In addition, you will be able to meet new neighbors who have moved into Sky Mountain since our last meeting. For more information, last year’s minutes are found here.
Please contact any Board Member if you have any questions.